Monday, November 30, 2009

What dreams may come...

What Dreams May Come

"You have to break in half to love somebody"

Somewhere not too long ago, I was introduced to this film by someone whom I should describe as very "unique" and "different".  Someone who thinks ahead of his time.  Someone who doesn't talk, think and feels like his age.  Someone who is deeply connected with the people around him.  Someone who speaks of love, faith and his eternal aspirations to save the world.  Someone who is emotionally vulnerable.  Someone who loves too much.  Someone who contemplated  to end his life many a time but loves his God too much to do so.

Today, I saw this movie.  It was aired on HBO.  Pure coincidence perhaps.  But it seems the television has been airing all the movies which transported me back to time.  Those carefree days that I've been told we've lost along the way... so as to speak.

Strangely, I didn't cry as I watched this movie.  I thought I would but I managed to watch it to the end without shedding a tear.  Even when it reached that part where not even death can keep Chris from his beloved wife, Ann, as he goes beyond Heaven and Hell to rescue his immortal love.

I decided to read more about this movie and found out that this movie title comes from a famous line in Hamlet's "To be, or not to be..." .  The soliloquy, spoken in the play by Prince Hamlet, who caused the death of a few and one being the love of his life, Ophelia, goes like this:

"To be, or not to be: that is the question:

Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer

The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,

Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,

And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;

No more; and by a sleep to say we end

The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks

That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation

Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep;

To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, there's the rub;

For in that sleep of death what dreams may come

When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,

Must give us pause: there's the respect

That makes calamity of so long life;

For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,

The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,

The pangs of disprized love, the law's delay,

The insolence of office and the spurns

That patient merit of the unworthy takes,

When he himself might his quietus make

With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,

To grunt and sweat under a weary life,

But that the dread of something after death,

The undiscover'd country from whose bourn

No traveller returns, puzzles the will

And makes us rather bear those ills we have

Than fly to others that we know not of?

Thus conscience does make cowards of us all;

And thus the native hue of resolution

Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,

And enterprises of great pith and moment

With this regard their currents turn awry,

And lose the name of action."

In the movie, Chris's wife, Ann, said "Sometimes when you win, You lose"... this phrase made me think hard about many things that took place in our lives.  Then it hits me, this phrase has an uncanny affiliation to that same phrase he said the night before he left... "Sometimes what we want is not what we need"...

I recalled how drawn he looked as he spoke solemnly of those words.  I fiddled with my wedding band as I recapped that conversation we had that night... I teared as I digest the underlying truth of what he meant.  It wasn't just about the highflying power-craved career he grew to hate... but it entails everything he willed to happen in these 8 years.  Those he wanted oh so much... now he no longer needs.  What he really wanted weren't here.

Just like the painting we have in our room, 

bought in Chinatown two years ago... 

Pu Yi with all the power and wealth he being betrothed, 

stood behind layers and layers of doors in his palace, 

an unhappy child whose soul trapped within the royal comfort zone,

yearning for that "freedom" he can proudly call his own...

I am perhaps a constant reminder of the struggles he went thru.

I am a figment of his past which he is not particularly proud of.

Alas, I am but a woman, unwanted and loveless.

Just like that child I once was.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

And I Pray...

I couldn't sleep...

It's 02:50am and I wonder if I'd wake up six hours later with puffy eyes to work like I did for the past one week.  We had a public holiday last Friday.  I had planned to bring him out for dinner somewhere nice.  I wanted to bring him to this quaint place I chanced upon not too long ago.  It didn't happen of course.

The television is showing Sex and The City since 10:00pm till now.  I recalled watching series after series of this drama on my iBook together with him over lunch and dinner back in Southampton.  We couldn't afford a television set during the first year but it didn't matter much.  We found a TV-Link website that caters free online movies during our second year and I remember how thrilled we were whenever those movies we wanted to watch streamed successfully.  We'd usually prepare our meals while waiting for the streaming to complete.  Then we'd fix up the small square foldable wooden table (the one we brought over from Edwina House to Bencraft Court), place our meals and cutlery in pairs on it.  The foldable table had a green checkered plastic mat embedded on it.  We'd wait for each other to be seated and we'd let the movie play while we enjoy our home cooked meal together.  Simple things like this made our day. It's really bittersweet.  Everything seems so surreal...

There was never a day we ate our meals without each other.  There was never a day I woke up finding him missing the next day...

I thought I'll never miss England.  I never quite did actually but I might cause I miss those wonderful moments I shared with him back in those days...

I hope I'll have a better day at work later.

I pray I'll get by.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

That Journey thru' the rainbow...

Its just like walking down a boulevard of broken dreams...

I spent too many days crying and wondering when he will come home.  I tried to understand why he left to begin with.  My days were mostly spent trying to get by without him around.  It was horribly hard.  Getting too used to being with someone dear for the past 8 years was pure blessing but his abrupt disappearance put my soul on a rollercoaster ride which will scar me forever.  No one can understand the turmoil I faced each night having to put myself to sleep next to an empty space.  No one would ever know of this.  Not even him.  Cause he chose not to.  He no longer has that capacity to love, to care and to cherish all those things we once had.  I never blame him nor can I bring myself to hate him.

As a child, I would always wonder when will Daddy stop his routine travel trips around the world.  Mommy couldn't care less if I missed Daddy.  Mommy thought I was used to being in a home where I'd spend most of my time alone.  I was lonely, unloved and unwanted.  I was an unhappy child underneath those expensive dresses, surrounded by abundance of toys  behind those majestic gate down Namly Avenue.  The happiest day in my life was when Enrique were brought home one sunny afternoon.  As I looked at Enrique handsomely placed in his cradle, I solemnly made a promise to myself that I'll never let Enrique know what loneliness means.  Even as a child, I never believe in sharing my woes with people cause I only want to share my happiness with them.  I kept all my sadness to myself.   Hence I grew up hoping I'll find happiness and love one day.  I hope I can build a cosy home filled with love and laughter with a simple man who will not leave home with his travel bags without me.  I longed to lead a simple life and share all the simple pleasures that life has to offer with the one I love.  Little did I know what I wished for came with a heavy price tag. 

Perhaps I didn't do much to prove my consistency in loving and caring him.  Perhaps he wanted more.  I walked around the house like a zombie, not knowing what to do.  I lost all appetite to eat.  I lost all will to live.  This wasn't the first occasion he left me like this but this time somehow tore my heart into many pieces.  That night when he left, I waited the whole nite thru.  When he failed to come home, I knew he's gone.  I wept bitterly and called out his name till I felt tired and fell asleep.  Every waking hours I had at home was like going thru hell and back.  I'd jump out of bed to see if he's at the door each time Lego barks in the middle of the night.  I refused to change the bedspread cause I wanted his smell to linger awhile longer.  I'd just call out "Dar" whenever I felt I haven't spoken a word for the whole day.  I refused to answer everyone's call.  I kept hoping my phone would ring and that familiar "love thing" tune by Joe Satriani would play.  What an irony... even the ringtone song I set for all incoming calls that comes from him was played by a musician bearing almost the same name as his.

I waited and waited.  I've been waiting for 8 years.  Isn't 8 supposed to be a lucky number? We've reached our 8th year together... guess we just don't have such luck.

I spoke to my Mother In-law briefly on the phone that morning after he left.  It took me every strength I had to not shed a tear.  I bravely spoke to her like as if nothing was wrong with our marriage.  I spoke to her like as if I knew he left for somewhere far away to take a break alone for awhile from his demanding career.  I acted as if he had planned all these way ahead and pretended I was aware of it.  She was very civil with me.  Too civil for comfort.  It reached a point where I felt there were absolute zero ties/connection between us anymore.  We didn't touch the marriage issue.  We simply talked about how lawyering turned him into an unhappy person.  I can't remember how far we talked but She eventually went on to explain that the day we set our foot out of the family's household 2 years ago, both She and Pa has decided that they no longer want to care if we are doing things right or wrong for ourselves.  They don't wish to know much about how we're coping with our life per se.  In other words, they couldn't care less if our marriage has to end at some point of time due to their son's inability to be matured about life in general.  She said that's how things are in the family when one decided to leave.  She said if one is bold enough to walk out of their home, then one should not expect anything from them.  

I thought She'd quietly care to know how I've been coping with life.  I thought She'd have something kind to say knowing he's away.  I thought I still have that life line to turn to in time like this... the last link I have with him.... I was wrong.  Truth be told, I had contributed whatever She deem fits think I was supposed to.   Now that I've somewhat accomplished that mission, I'm no longer a necessity and I should be reminded not to be a burden to the family in time of crisis.  That was when I realised that my "purpose" which I spoke of too often to him finally ended there and then.  I bade her goodbye and wept my tears away.  

It pains me to know that life can take such a steep turn when I thought things are gonna get better.  We embarked on that fateful journey in hoping to lead a decent living one day.  We strived so hard to survive in a foreign land, braving the cruel cold weather.  We were ostracized by our own fellow countrymen there and we only had each other.  We spent many waking hours talking and hoping we'll cross that bittersweet journey thru the rainbow safely to bring us to that pot of gold waiting for us at the end of it.  T'was painful, t'was very tough, but we made it thru and it made us stronger.  So I thought.  Then, it was "We" and now it's simply "Was"....

 I vigilantly stood by his side despite those heart wrenching tears and agonising pleas for him to bring my ol' Joe back into my life.  I begged him to hug me each time I broke down.  I begged him to end my sufferings.  I begged him for sympathy... I begged and I begged...

We had many wonderful times together and likewise, many hurtful incidences that broke our hearts... but I never once left.  I had many options but I never did.  I didn't want to.  Just for one good reason.  And it's called, Love.  

Cause he once told me that if it's only Love that I ever wanted, it's Love that he can ever give....

I don't know anymore... 

Wherever you are, I hope you are fine .  I am not but I'll get by.  I wish you well.

Breakfast at Tiffany's...

Breakfast at Tiffany's is a 1961 American film starring Audrey Hepburn and George Peppard, and featuring Patricia Neal, Buddy Ebsen, Martin Balsam, and Mickey Rooney. The film was directed by Blake Edwards and released by Paramount Pictures. It was loosely based on the novella of the same name by Truman Capote.

Hepburn's portrayal of Holly Golightly as the naïve, eccentric rich man's escort (not quite the call girl she may have been in Truman Capote's novella) is generally considered to be the actress's most memorable and identifiable role. She herself regarded it as one of her most challenging roles, since she was an introvert required to play an extrovert. Hepburn's performance of "Moon River" helped composer Henry Mancini and lyricist Johnny Mercer win an Oscar for Best Song.

Early on a fall morning, a lone taxicab deposits Holly Golightly at the Tiffany's jewelry store on Fifth Avenue in New York City. Holly eats a pastry and drinks coffee while admiring the window displays, then strolls home.

At her brownstone apartment building, Holly successfully fends off her date from the night before, who has been waiting in his car all night and is angry that she disappeared during their evening together. Holly then meets Paul Varjak, a new tenant. After feeding her pet cat (simply named "Cat"), Holly chats with Paul as she hurriedly prepares to visit Sing Sing prison, a weekly routine from which she earns $100 for an hour's conversation with Sally Tomato, an incarcerated mob boss. Holly does not seem to realize that she is passing coded messages for Sally's drug ring.

Outside the brownstone, Mrs. Failenson (referred to as "2E" throughout the film) arrives and is introduced as Paul's "decorator." Holly drops by to escape a drunken date and sees Mrs. Failenson leave money and kiss Paul goodbye. It is revealed that Paul is a writer who hasn't been published since 1956 and that Holly, at the age of 14, ran away from home with her brother Fred, who is in the army.

Paul attends a wild party at Holly's, where he is introduced to José da Silva Pereira, a handsome, rich Brazilian, and to Rusty Trawler, a pudgy, rich American. Paul also meets O. J. Berman, who is Holly's "agent." O.J. tells him about Holly's transformation from a country girl with a thick accent into a classy Manhattan socialite, but adds that she is a wild spirit, difficult to pin down, and still can't tell if she is "a phony."

Holly is accompanied by Paul to visit Sally at the Sing Sing prison. Back home, Paul can hear Holly singing "Moon River" from her windowsill. Mrs. Failenson rushes into Paul's apartment, worried about a strange man outside. Paul is trailed by the man when he leaves the apartment. They confront one another in Central Park. The man introduces himself as Doc, claiming to be Holly's husband. He married her—real name Lula Mae Barnes—when she was turning 14 and explains that he has come to New York to take Holly back home to Texas, where he feels she rightly belongs. Holly later explains to Paul that the marriage was annulled. She puts a dejected Doc on a bus to Texas, but only after he warns her that he will no longer support her brother Fred, who is being released from the Army soon.

At a bar, a drunken Holly explains her feeling of responsibility for Fred. She decides to marry Rusty Trawler for his money, but then discovers that Rusty has married someone else. Holly and Paul then spend a carefree, romantic day together, visiting the library and going to Tiffany's, where they have a cheap ring from a box of Cracker Jack engraved. They share a kiss when they arrive home, and it is implied that they spend the night together.

The next day, Paul informs Mrs. Failenson that he no longer needs her. But now, a money-hungry Holly plans to marry José, which angers Paul.

Holly and José return to her apartment one night and find a telegram notifying her of Fred's death. Holly trashes her apartment in grief and her behavior disturbs José.

Months pass. Paul has moved out of the brownstone. He is invited to dinner by Holly, who is leaving the next morning for Brazil. They suddenly are arrested by police in connection with Sally's drug ring. Holly spends the night in lock-up.

The next morning, Paul is waiting with a taxi when she is released from jail. He is in possession of both Cat and a letter from José, in which the rich Brazilian breaks off the relationship due to her headline-making arrest. An emotional Holly impulsively orders the driver to stop and she throws Cat out into the pouring rain.

Paul tells Holly what he thinks of her behavior and leaves the cab. Holly runs after him and together they find Cat and embrace.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Sous le ciel de Paris

 Sous le ciel de Paris

S'envole une chanson

Hum Hum

Elle est n?e d'aujourd'hui

Dans le c?ur d'un gar?on

Sous le ciel de Paris

Marchent des amoureux

Hum Hum

Leur bonheur se construit

Sur un air fait pour eux

Sous le pont de Bercy

Un philosophe assis

Deux musiciens quelques badauds

Puis les gens par milliers

Sous le ciel de Paris

Jusqu'au soir vont chanter

Hum Hum

L'hymne d'un peuple ?pris

De sa vieille cit?

Pr?s de Notre Dame

Parfois couve un drame

Oui mais ? Paname

Tout peut s'arranger

Quelques rayons

Du ciel d'?t?


D'un marinier

L'espoir fleurit

Au ciel de Paris

Sous le ciel de Paris

Coule un fleuve joyeux

Hum Hum

Il endort dans la nuit

Les clochards et les gueux

Sous le ciel de Paris

Les oiseaux du Bon Dieu

Hum Hum

Viennent du monde entier

Pour bavarder entre eux

Et le ciel de Paris

A son secret pour lui

Depuis vingt si?cles il est ?pris

De notre Ile Saint Louis

Quand elle lui sourit

Il met son habit bleu

Hum Hum

Quand il pleut sur Paris

C'est qu'il est malheureux

Quand il est trop jaloux

De ses millions d'amants

Hum Hum

Il fait gronder sur nous

Son tonnerr' ?clatant

Mais le ciel de Paris

N'est pas longtemps cruel

Hum Hum

Pour se fair' pardonner

Il offre un arc en ciel